How to Bring Back the Adult Market into Our Martial Arts Schools

Categories: Business Management
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About the Instructor

Grandmaster Bill Clark is a 9th degree black belt and a former PKA Fighter of the Year. He is widely considered one of the top experts in martial arts business. Grandmaster Clark has more than 30 years of leadership and innovation, and has been inducted into almost every Hall of Fame in the industry. He is one of the largest multi-school owners in the world.

Course – How to Bring Back the Adult Market into Our Martial Arts Schools

This course addresses the trend that has arisen over the last few decades of martial arts schools adult memberships dwindling while other alternative physical exercise programs have spiked in their numbers of adult practitioners. Proven tactics are presented to face the situation and overcome it to have a thriving adult customer base in your martial arts school. Here is some content for the course:

Lesson 1 – Attracting Adults Back into Our Schools

This lesson presents an understanding of Reliable Marketing Strategies to catch the attention of the adult market.

Lesson 2 – Curriculum Management

This lesson shares what the appropriate kind of Programs and Training are needed in your school to maintain adult interest.

Lesson 3 – Key to Growth

This lesson gives you the Seed that will Produce a Potential Harvest of unlimited adult prospects and students in your school.

Lesson 4 -Multi Schools

This lesson explains how having Branch Locations fits into the puzzle to seize more of the adult market in your town.

Lesson 5 – Everything is an Appointment

Finally, this last lesson will demonstrate how to make the most of Every Opportunity to draw adults back into your school.


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What Will You Learn?

  • Improve Your Marketing to reach a bigger slice of the adult market in your community to Increase Your Enrollment

Course Content

How to Bring Back the Adult Market Into Our Martial Arts Schools
Over the last few decades there has been an steady exodus of adults from martial arts class training into alternative exercise programs. In order to combat this business killing trend you need proven strategies to win back the adult market and this course has exactly what you need to fill your school with adults.

  • Lesson 1 – Attracting Adults Back into Our Schools
  • Lesson 2 – Curriculum Management
  • Lesson 4 – Key to Growth
  • Lesson 3 – Multi Schools
  • Lesson 5 – Everything is an Appointment